After loosing so many new daylilies this past winter, I was trying to soothe myself with my seedlings, and being excited about what might bloom this year. But.... I was still a bit bummed out. They were some really nice daylilies! Thankfully there are some wonderful people who have picked up this hobby.
A friend that I met through the Garden Web Forums plant swap was SUPER SWEET and sent me a very nice replacement fan of PRECIOUS CANDY, ~*AND*~ a couple of fans of ZAHADOOM! (It needs the exclamation point, don't you think?) So, now I have a new CV that I love. Thank you Dianne!!
I also contacted Dan Hansen about the cost of replacing some of his CV's that I purchased at the Region 6 Daylily Auction, and he said he would replace them gratis! Wow, that is really generous! So, two days ago I got a package in the mail.... and I could tell by the smell (don't you love that smell?) what was inside! A box from Ladybug Daylilies!! There was PURPLE PAJAMAS and BEACHIN' BABE, and nice, huge fans! I couldn't believe it, but BEACHIN' BABE already had a scape on each of the four fans he sent.... wow. Thank you Dan Hansen!!
These acts of generosity really take the bite out of the winter losses! I love daylily people!
2017 From bud to bloom
8 years ago
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