Magic Amethyst (STAMILE, 1996)
Height: 27"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Height: 27"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Marietta Magic (SHOOTER, 2005)
Height: 26"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Matisse (MUNSON, 1990)

Height: 24"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Miami Heat (KASKEL, 2001)
Height: 28"
Diameter: 4.5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Mildred Mitchell (MITCHELL, 1998)
Height: 26"
Diameter: 6.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Miss Jessie (HARDY, 1956)
Description: DIP, Orchid mauve and light yellow bicolor.
Spider Ratio: 4.00:1
Height: 40"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Missouri Memories (HANSEN, 1992)

Description: DIP, Pale orchid pink with lavender violet band above green throat.
Height: 26"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Late
Habit: Evergreen
Missouri Morning Melody (CARPENTER, 2002)

Description: DIP, Lavender blue blend with deeper halo above white to green throat. Fragrant
Height: 22"
Diameter: 4.5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Mokan Butterfly (LENINGTON, 1984)

Description: TET, Near white with lavender halo and green throat.
Height: 35"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Early
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
3/27/11 - I have managed to kill this plant three times now, so it is officially had its chance here in the garden. I will not buy it again. I thought I had it doing very well in a pot last summer, but it did not survive our crazy winter.
Moments Rich in Blessings (CARPENTER, 2004)
**DEAD** Winter loss of 2011
Description: TET, Lavender blend above green throat. Fragrant
Height: 20"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Moonlight Sail (STAMILE, 2005)

Description: TET, Purple with lavender watermark and gold edge above green throat.
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
3/27/11 - Another casualty of our ice storm this past winter. I thought one fan survived, but it rotted like the rest of the plant. I loved this one too! :o(
Musical Medley (STAMILE, 2001)
Description: TET, Icy lavender with lavender eye and double edge of gold and deep lavender above green throat. Fragrant
Height: 22"
Diameter: 6.5"
Season: Early
Habit: Dormant
2010 - This is the only daylily I have successfully saved after seeing signs of rot from summer stress. It got replanted in one of my "good" beds, and has recovered nicely, from one fan to three. Yippee!!
Nano Probe (STAMILE, 2002)
Description: DIP, Smoky rose mauve blend above green throat
Height: 18"
Diameter: 2.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Navy Blues (SALTER, 1993)
Description: DIP, Light lavender with light navy blue eyezone above green throat.
Height: 16"
Diameter: 2.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Neon Pink (HANSEN, 1993)
Height: 26"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Neusa Bergemann (HANSEN, 2003)
Description: DIP, Lavender bitone with gray watermark and white band above green throat.
Height: 33"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Nice and Easy (STAMILE, 2000)
Description: DIP, Deep lavender with purple eye above green throat.
Height: 12"
Diameter: 2.75"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen

Description: dark black lavender with bright white ruffled edge above green throat
Height: 27"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Orchid Elegance (CARPENTER, 2004)

Description: TET, Orchid pink with lavender blue eye above green throat. Fragrant
Height: 26"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Out Of The Blue (SALTER, 2002)
Description: DIP, Rose lavender with violet blue teal blue eye above green throat.
Height: 20"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Palace Garden Beauty(CARPENTER, 2000)
Description: TET, Lavender blend with lavender watermark and edge. Fragrant
Height: 25"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Palladian Pink (STAMILE, 1996)
Description: TET, Pristine pink self with green throat. Fragrant
Height: 21"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Pancho Villa (HANSEN, 2002)
Description: TET, Almond violet with patterned violet blue lavender eye above green throat.
Height: 26"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Party Pinafore (KIRBY, 1999)

Description: DIP, rose with baby pink edge and green white throat
Height: 1'8"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant

Description: DIP, rose with baby pink edge and green white throat
Height: 1'8"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Persian Art (CARPENTER, 2009)
Description: TET, Magenta purple with lavender watermark and edge above green throat. Fragrant.
Height: 29"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
3/27/11 - I wanted this since the moment I layed eyes on it, and was fortunate enough to sit next to Mark Carpenter at the Region 6 Daylily Auction in 2009, who persuaded me to bid, bid bid!! LOL. Anyway, after one season in the garden it died over the winter. This makes me very sad to think about... so I am going to move on to updating other flowers that are still living....
Pete Hansen Memorial (HANSEN, 1993)
Description: DIP, Medium pink self with bright green throat.
Height: 26"
Diameter: 4.75"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Picture in Picture (STAMILE, 2007)
Description: TET, Lavender rose with silver lavender watermark and edge above green throat.
Height: 25"
Diameter: 6.5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Pink Flirt (DEKERLEGAND, 1987)
Description: DIP, Bright pink self with green throat. Fragrant
Height: 20"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Pink Rocks (CARPENTER, 1990)
Description: DIP, Rose pink with pink halo and chartreuse green throat. Very Fragrant
Height: 20"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Pirate King (GRACE-SMITH, 2004)
Description: TET, Purple with lavender watermark and edge above green throat.
Height: 30"
Diameter: 5.5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Pixie Plaything (STAMILE, 2004)
Description: DIP, Pink with light purple eye lined fuchsia above green throat.
Height: 16"
Diameter: 2.75"
Season: Early
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Height: 16"
Diameter: 2.75"
Season: Early
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Plum Eyed Delight (CARPENTER, 2006)
Description: TET, lavender pink with lavender eye and edge above green throat, fragrant
Height: 26"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Popcorn Pete (PETIT, 2002)
Description: TET, purple with lighter watermark and gold edge above green throat
Height: 25"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Purl Griffin (GASKINS, 2004)
Description: mauve pink with gold edge above yellow green throat, fragrant
Height: 18"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Description: purple with white edge above green throat
Height: 26"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Height: 26"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen