Description: TET, light cream pink blend with fine yellow edge above yellow to green throat
Height: 2'5"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Answering Angels (STAMLIE, 2006)

Description: TET, alabaster cream with plum violet eye and edge above citron green throat
Height: 2'0"
Diameter: 6"
Season:Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Still in a pot. I received this as a bonus last fall... One of my first to bloom this year! Opens beautifully, even on the FFO.
Ava Gardner(SMITH, 2006)

Description: TET, true lavender with citron edge above large green throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2010 - Only been here for one season, but it seems like a very strong grower, increaser and bloomer. Scapes are wonderful. I am really looking forward to bloom season to see what this baby can really do. The flower is very waxy and looks sturdy. Loving it so far.
Awesome Artist (LAMBERTSON, 2002)

Description: TET, pale rose violet with smoky blue violet eye and edge above green throat
Height: 2'2"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
4/13/11 - Moved to a new spot, the best and newest daylily bed! Better grow better, or I can use the room!
2010 - This is a subtle beauty, but so far, it does not seem to be a strong grower for me. I am hoping it comes back this year. If it does, I'll be moving it to one of the primo spots in the garden to see if it can perform better for me. I love the flowers, so I'll try, try, try some more.
Baby Blue Eyes (SHOOTER, 1998)

Description: DIP, light lavender purple with purple veins and washed blue watermark above chartreuse throat
Height: 1'8"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
While I love the combination of colors in this daylily, it seems to be a very poor grower for me and I usually only get a few (as in 3-5) buds. The flowers also seem flimsy, and lack substance. I moved this daylily last fall hoping for better performance.
Ballerina Beautiful (CARPENTER, 2005)

Description: TET, pink with rose eye and edge above green throat
Height: 2'0"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early
Habit: Evergreen
This is one of the only true pink on pink flowers I have seen. The eye/edge combination is fantastic, and the pink is indescribable. Flower has a ton of substance. The branching, so far, has left something to be desired, but I am hoping this plant settles in and behaves better! :o) Flowers consistently open perfectly, no hanging on that beautiful edge.
Barn Owl (HANSEN, 2001)

Description: DIP, pink lavender green with large lavender blue watermark and blue violet bands above green throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
What a strange little flower this is. Always changing its face from day to day. Sometimes I just love it and want to keep it forever and ever. It has the most beautiful blend of lavender, blues, violets and greys. Other days I think I must be crazy for loving this plant... what was I thinking? Weird muddled colors, and all browny-grey looking. It is a good grower and increaser. It also blooms its little head off all season long. It is like the energizer bunny!
Beachin' Babe (HANSEN, 2009)

Description: TET, Pale pink with darker boarder, and bubbly yellow edge. Sandy yellow throat
Height: 2'3"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
**UPDATE - 4/13/11** I contacted Dan Hansen to see how much it would be to replace this beauty because I really loved the form and substance, not to mention the lovely coloring... and he replaced it for me! Yippee!!! He sent four giant fans too! Planted it in my new bed...
3/20/11 - LOST THIS PAST WINTER IN OUR HARD FREEZE! I got one bloom season, and only this one picture. It was SO beautiful, and I am really bummed! :o( I wanted it to be part of my breeding program because the background is so clean and the form is beautiful. Waaaaa.....
Fall 2009 - Brand new one from Dan Hansen. Purchased at the Region 6 Daylily Auction. What a beautiful daylily. Can't wait to see it bloom this year.
Betty Beard (KENNEDY, UNREG.)

Description: Seeing as it is unregistered, check out the photo! :o)
Height: 2'
Diameter: 6" +/-
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
4/13/11 - I love this coral bitone. Something about it is just so vivid and bright!
Blue Corn Moon (SELMAN, 2006)

Description: TET, lavender with blue eye above yellow to green throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2009 - This is a very nice growing plant. Only been in the garden a short while, but it loves to bloom and I can't wait to see it again this year. It already has increased well form me, and it should be outstanding in clump strength.
Blue Elf (STAMILE, 2006)

Description: DIP, cream pink with pale blue eye surrounded with fuchsia lime above green throat
Height: 1'4"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-evergreen
4/13/11 - I love this little flower, but it really suffered with this past cold winter. It has reduced itself to tiny grass-like fans. I hope it does well, I moved it to the front of the new bed to be a border plant!
2009 - This is one of the cutest minis on the planet. Not only is it a strong grower, but just look at that face! I know there are no all blue daylilies yet, but Grace sure does have a the blue eyes down. It can range from a very light blue-violet to an intense indigo blue. Just amazing. Great foliage, and the scapes are in proportion to the flowers and foliage. Great overall plant.
Blue Eyed Angel (TRIMMER, 2009)
**UPDATE 3/19/11** LOST THIS PAST WINTER IN OUR HARD FREEZE! Another casualty to
a long, hard winter.

Height: 2'1"
Diameter: 5.75"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Blue Flirt (STAMILE, 2001)

Description: DIP, mauve with a steel blue eye above green throat
Diameter: 3"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
4/13/11 - Moved to the new bed in the front for a border plant. Can't wait to see how it blooms now!
2009 - One of my cutest minis! But I probably say that about all of them. :o) I really love how the denim blue eye has a dark violet-blue edge. It really makes the eye pop out of the flower. Vigorous grower in my yard, if not extremely floriferous. It is in the "not so good" soil bed, so I will have to move it to give it another shot.
Blue Hippo (LAMBERTSON, 2005)

Description: TET, cream with large blue eye and blue gold edge above green throat
Height: 2'2"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2009 - Just arrived in my yard, and it tried to bloom on its one little fan... Did a good job, but I can't wait to see it really go to town this year. As you can see, all the pollen is gone. I wanted to hybridize with it, but didn't want to stress it out by making it a pod parent in its first year.
Bluegrass Music (GRACE-SMITH, 2005)

Description: TET, cream with lavender blue eye and edge above green throat
Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2009 -Wow, wow, wow. This one got a lot of press (and still does) and now I know why. What an awesome performer. The flowers are held up on thick scapes with terrific branching. The flowers themselves open perfectly every time and have a thick, wax like substance that really makes them just stand up and shout "Look at me!!" Yes, the flower is small, but sometimes good things come in small packages. I also noticed that I get sculpting in the throat sometimes (as shown in the photo).
Borg Technology (HANSON, 2001)

Description: TET, violet purple with rose band above gold throat
Height: 2'2"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
**UPDATE** Ugg... the brutal summer of 2011 claimed Borg Technology. :o( I wish I could have kept this for longer, it is SO unusual and beautiful. Pout!
2009 - Another new flower to the garden, but I think I am going to love this one. It is very different in color from the other flowers I grow, but I just couldn't resist the beautiful combination of colors. There are some great pictures by Chris (maximus7116) over on the Garden Web of this flower. I can't wait until mine 'grows up', and has more saturated colors.
Born To Run (STAMILE, 2006)
Description: TET, red with gold edge above green throat
Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
**UPDATE FALL 2011** Thank you to a great daylily friend, (Dianne!!) who replaced this for me!
Bubble Yummin' Mama (SHOOTER, 2004)

Description: TET, pink blush bitone with blush halo above lime green throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2009 - While this flower has been in the yard for a few years, it has yet to really strut its stuff. The blooms are gorgeous, I just have not gotten that many of them. The colors are bubble gummy good... just like the name suggests. The color pallet is a reverse of BALLERINA BEAUTIFUL, but without the edge.
Caribbean Twilight Time (TALBOTT, 1998)

Description: DIP, Blue lavender self
Height: 2'1"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
4/13/11 - Some very tiny fans survived the winter and I moved it to the new bed!
2010 - I am not sure if it made it through this winter. If it comes back, I am going to move it. It is such a unique beauty! I have hybridized with it, and I can't wait to see the results.
2009 - This is one of my all time favorite veined daylilies. It has the most beautiful, ethereal halo. Has not been a strong grower for me, but it has not been in the best bed either.
Catnap Blue (SHOOTER, 2006)

Description: DIP, raspberry purple with dark purple blue wash above bright green throat
Height: 3'6"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
**UPDATE 3/19/11** Finally bloomed in Summer '10!! Yippee!! Here is a photo from its first blooms. I think it likes the new place, because it has pumped out three new fans over winter. Maybe because it is a Dormant, and we had a severe freeze this year??
8/30/09 - Talk about frustrating!! Three years, zero blooms. It has now been placed in the BEST part of the garden... so if it doesn't bloom, I'm bringing out the shotgun!
Cerulean Warbler (LAMBERTSON, 2005)

Description: TET, blue lavender with grey blue eye and edge with outer silver edge above green throat
Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
**UPDATE 3/19/11** LOST TO OUR HARD FREEZE. This was absolutely gorgeous. Even thought it was a huge plant, in a huge pot, I still lost it. It will probably cost me another fortune to replace it, but I just loved this one. It is really, really sad to find mushy crowns....
1/10/10 - Just received this late last fall, so it is in a pot waiting for its new home in a bed.
Chamonix (MUNSON, 1979)

Description: TET, rose pink with yellow green throat
Height: 2'6"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
2010 - Thankfully, 2010 was rust free, so treatments must have worked well, and Chamonix looked great.
2009 - Great bloomer, and lovely scapes, but unfortunately is very, very susceptible to rust. If it gets infected again this year after treatment, I think it is going to have to go. This is very sad, but I can't have rust buckets.
Changing Latitudes (SHOOTER, 1997)

Description: DIP, light pink and cream bitone with multiple banded eyezone above a chartreuse to green throat
Height: 2'2"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
2009 - What a little cutie. I love this flower every time it blooms. I think it was the first mulit-ringed eyezone daylily I owned.
Changing Of The Garde (SLANEK-MOLDOVAN, 2005)

Description: TET rose pink bitone with paler rose pink watermark and edge above yellow green throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
4/13/11 - Ugg. Well, this one succumbed to winter rots, or whatever the heck happened here. Awful. I really liked how this was a bi-tone and had unique petal coloration.
3/19/11 - Well, this is not the best picture, but it was HOT outside when it bloomed! Very pretty TET! Still need to get this in the ground, and see how it takes off. It barely survived our hard winter, so I think it will be happy, happy when it gets real dirt!!
2010 - Brand new bonus plant. Can't wait to see what spring brings!
Chinese Watercolor (MUNSON, 1978)

Description: TET, mauve with chalky mauve and pewter eyezone above lemon gold throat
Height: 2'6"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
2009 - I absolutely love this flower. One of my favorites in the garden. Not only does it bloom and bloom and bloom, the flowers open great, and what a show they put on. The pattern is always different. LOVE IT. Thank you Mr. Munson!
Chocolate Cherry Dreams (SHOOTER, 2006)

Description: DIP, dark purple with purple wash and white edge above green heart throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
2009 - THANK YOU RITA! My Garden Web NY buddy offered this to me last year because it wasn't doing well for her out there. So, she very kindly re-homed it to me! It certainly seems to like it here. It has given me some wonderful blooms and is increasing like crazy. It is a spidery form, so the fans are very small. But boy do they produce!
Cindy Jones (STAMILE, 2001)

Description: TET, pink with gold braided edge above green throat
Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
3/19/11 - I don't know why I didn't post a picture here earlier, but this one is really turning out to be a beauty! I think I may use it to hybridize with due to its very clear background coloring. Seems very exciting... we will see what comes!
2009 - THANK YOU RITA!! This is another orphan that I took in from Rita. It was not to her liking, so I thought I'd give it a shot. So far, it has been less than impressive. The color is sort of washed out looking. I'll give it another year hoping that some settling in time will give her a boost!
Circle of Secrets (SALTER, 1992)

Description: DIP, lavender mauve with lavender blue violet eyezone above green throat
Height: 1'8"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
4/13/11 - Well, I went to move this to my new bed, and it had become two of the tiniest fans I have ever seen. Wow. Winter was rough.
2009 - Another super cute little flower. Not quite a mini, because it is not under 3". What a lovely, lovely bloomer this is. It has a tendency to bouquet bloom, but that is ok with me, because it usually sends up rebloom scapes.
Clothed In Glory (GRACE, 1996)

Description: TET, lavender mauve with a lavender eyezone and yellow gold throat
Height: 1'6"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
2009 - This was one of my first daylilies, and I am glad it was. This thing blooms like crazy. Even though it is not listed as a rebloomer, it certainly does so in my garden. Most of the time twice! This CV sure seems ahead of its time... bubbly, diamond dusted chicken fat edge in 1996! Go Larry, Go! Can't wait to see what he will bring to the table in the coming years now that he is back in the game.
Clouds of Kisses (MCMULLEN, 2001)

Description: DIP, white with medium pink eye above lime green throat
Height: 2'2"
Diameter: 4.5"
Season: Middle
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
3/19/11 - Wow, I am glad I was patient for this one! It is drop dead gorgeous. It still does not get many blooms, but I think now that it is doing well, I may move it to a new bed I am putting in this spring!
Been in my garden since March 2008, but still has not bloomed... grrrr....
Clown's Cabaret (SALTER, 2003)

Description: TET, cream pink with cream patterned eye above green throat
Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2009 - What a little beauty! The eyezone changes from day to day, but is always a beautiful combination of pinks and salmons.
Come See (HANSEN, 1992)

Description: DIP, bluish lavender with lilac halo
Height: 1'6"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid-Late
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
3/19/11 - Yep, it's dead. :o(
2009 - Bouquet bloomer for me here... but that is ok, because it gets tons of scapes. I think I killed this one by moving it at a bad time of year. In my yard, it seems to be a bi-tone, even though it is not mentioned in the CV description.
Cranberry Baby (CROKER, 1984)

Description: DIP, medium raspberry with darker eyezone and green gold throat
Height: 12"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
2009 - While the CV description says this is supposed to be dormant, I find that it is completely evergreen in my garden. Not sure why that is... but it is a super performer. The red is very intense and saturated. It is very hard to pick up the beauty of this little guy with the camera.
Create Your Dream (GRACE, 1997)

Description: TET,lavender with a multi colored eyezone and green throat
Height: 1'10"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
2010 - Continues to be a winner all around. Wowza.
2009 - This is one of my all time favorite garden flowers. Not only are the blooms absolutely gorgeous, the blooms open perfectly every time.
Crintonic Shadowlands (HANSON, 1995)

Description: TET, orchid rose with bluish halo above green throat
Height: 2'10"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
3/19/11 - this really did bloom last year! I just fell behind posting pictures. Still is not doing great, but I am going to put this in the new bed too!!
**2010 UPDATE** After receiving very small fans from a lily auction seller in 2008, this plant FINALLY has a scape! Yippee!!
2009 - Geesh, as I am writing all these comments, I realize that this is another one that has yet to bloom for me. Better be a "leaper" of a third year here...
Crystal Sea (BELL, 1998)

Description: TET, lavender pink self with green throat
Height: 2'3"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid, Re
Habit: Evergreen
Beautiful pink daylily. Nothing peachy about this one. Has nice, thick scapes, even if it is a little top branched. I love this daylily. Simple in form and style, but absolutely wonderful. I use it every season to hybridize.
Dangling Participle (MASON, 2007)

Description: TET, deep fuchsia rose with lighter watermark
Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 8"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Fall 2010 - Wow!!!! This bloomed last June, and wholly cow, what a beauty! Ms. Mason really turned out a winner here. Scapes are wonderful, bud count awesome, overwintered here in a pot, and laughed at our two weeks of near zero temps, as well as our soaring 100+ degree summers. Wow, wow, wow. Thank you Melanie Mason!! Did you SEE that fuchsia pink??? It really is THAT pink.
Spring '10 - I can't wait to see this bloom! I have quite a few fans I just got last fall, and I wanted this one forever (thanks to all the enablers over on the Garden Web forums.)!
Decadence (MARYOTT, 2006)

Description: muted rose purple with yellow ruffled edge above green blending to yellow throat
Height: 30"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early
Habit: Evergreen
3/19/11 - Unfortunately, this died last summer in the middle of bloom season. I am not exactly sure what happened? It was in a bed where it was doing great, and everything else was blooming... I wonder if I got a mole tunnel under it or something??
Mr. Maryott was kind enough to gift this to me as a bonus plant!!
Desiree (MOLDOVAN, 1997)
Description: rose pink blend with a lemon cream to green throat
Diameter: 6"
Season: Very Late
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Dil-Robin Nichols (CAYWOOD, 2000)
Description: bright medium pink with rose halo and white edge above green throat. Fragrant
Height: 25"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Dr. Julius Charba (CARPENTER, 2004)

Description: lavender with lavender blue eye above green throat
Height: 24"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
3/10/11 - This plant has been struggling along since I got it from Jack Carpenter... I don't know what it doesn't like about my yard. Thankfully this winter, it seems to have recovered some, and increased from one fan to two healthy looking fans! Hope it does well this summer! Just look at those colors. I LOVE it!!!
Driving Me Wild (STAMILE, 1992)
Description: lavender with gold edge and deep lavender eyezone above green throat. Fragrant, extended bloom
Height: 26"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen