Raining Violets (WILD, 1983)

Description: DIP, diamond dusted red violet edged cream on sepals with raised cream midrib and yellow green throat, fragrant
Description: DIP, diamond dusted red violet edged cream on sepals with raised cream midrib and yellow green throat, fragrant
Height: 20"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Dormant
Red Eyed Fantasy (CARPENTER, 2003)

Description: DIP, cream with red eye above green throat
Height: 22"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Riders Of The Storm (SALTER, 2003)

Description: purple with washed violet watermark and ivory cream washed violet edge above yellow green throat
Height: 28"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Rodelinda (MARYOTT, 2008)

Description: yellow beige with purple eye and band above green throat
Height: 30"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Roman Cohort (SALTER, 2003)
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Roman Cohort (SALTER, 2003)
Height: 28"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Sacred Fire (SHOOTER, 2005)
Description: TET, true red with cream gold pencil edge above green heart throat
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Sacred Fire (SHOOTER, 2005)

Height: 30"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant

Description: TET, pastel pink with rose eye and edge above yellow to green throat
Height: 30"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Sea of Cortez (PETIT, 2002)

Description: TET, purple with gold edge above green throat
Height: 23"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Sea Siren (SALTER, 1993)
Description: DIP, lavender with silver lavender blue eyezone above green throat
Height: 18"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Searching For Blue (SHOOTER, 2005 )
Description: TET, medium purple with lavender eye and dark veining above chartreuse lemon throat
Height: 25"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant

Description: TET, rosy mauve with blue eye above green throat
Height: 26"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
**Spring '12" I have had this forever. I got a very tiny fan from a Dayliy Auction seller a few years ago, and it has yet to bloom. Defiantly NOT a blooming size fan! Ugg. Hopefully this year!
Shores Of Time (STAMILE, 2002) **RIP**

Description: rose with gold edge above green throat, fragrant
Height: 26"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Siloam Baby Talk (HENRY, 1982)

Description: DIP, pale pink with deep rose halo and green throat
Height: 15"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Siloam Fine Art (HENRY, 1991 )

Description: DIP, rose purple with smoky purple eyezone above green throat
Height: 20"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Siloam Tiny Tim (HENRY, 1984)
Height: 14"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Silver Sprite (MUNSON, 1983)

Description: DIP, lavender self with cream throat
Height: 20"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Sings The Blues (HANSEN, 1990)

Description: DIP, lavender with variegated violet blue eyezone and emerald throat, Fragrant
Height: 26"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi Evergeen
Soft Summer Night (STAMILE, 1995)
Description: TET, ribbon pink with rose pink eyezone and deep green throat, Very Fragrant
Height: 23"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Dormant
Spacecoast Bodacious Blush (KINNEBREW, 2006)

Description: TET, cream pink blend with rose picotee and outermost gold edge
Height: 32"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Spacecoast Surprise Purple (KINNEBREW, 2000 )
Description: TET, purple with white edge above yellow green throat
Height: 24"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Spring Garden Greetings (SALTER, 2007)
Description: TET, A pale pink flower with a tinting of rose pink and a large triangular pattern or watermark of bright yellow gold surrounding a green heart. Petals have a lightly ruffled and bubbled gold edge surrounding them. Form is very round, full and overlapped.
Height: 23"
Diameter: 3.75"
Season: Early-Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
2009 - Great little flower. Opens consistently.
Standing On The Promise (CARPENTER, 2009) **RIP**
Description: DIP, lavender pink with lavender watermark above very green throat
Height: 24"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
** 3/20/11 - Well, it's official. The worst thing so far in my daylily hobby happened. This irreplaceable plant died over winter. It hurts just writing this update.
Star Child (STAMILE,2003)

Height: 2'2"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Stargate Explosion (SHOOTER, 2006)

Height: 2'4"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Comments: One of the MOST saturated deep Violet flowers I have ever seen. It has not been a really strong grower for me, so I moved it to a primo spot this past fall, hoping some TLC will make a world of difference. It took two full years for it to settle in enough to get a few blooms, but they were spectacular when they did bloom.
Surf (HANSEN, 1988)
Description: DIP, sea foam white with blue violet variegation and green throat
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid-Late
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Comments: I love how this flower has texture - it seems like it is pleated! Always a great opener.
Surfside Beach (DOUGLAS, 2006)
Description: TET, orchid with clear grape eye and picotee edge
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Sweet Isabela (BROOKER, 2005)

Description: TET, rose red with large white watermark above light green throat
Height: 34"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Comments: One of the sweetest flowers in the garden. I have still not gotten a picture that does this flower justice. Feminine, graceful and BIG! :o)
Teardrops In Heaven (CORBETT, 2002) **RIP**
Description: TET, bright pink bitone with gold edge above green throat
Height: 15"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Comments: After years of struggling along, she finally gave up the ghost. Cute little thing, but never really did well in my garden.
**TET** Tuscawilla Snowdrift (HANSEN, 2000)
Height: 15"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Comments: After years of struggling along, she finally gave up the ghost. Cute little thing, but never really did well in my garden.
**TET** Tuscawilla Snowdrift (HANSEN, 2000)
Description: TET, near white self above light green throat
Height: 24"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Evergreen
Comments: Great clarity in this white, but the form always seems a litte misshaped to me.
Texas Feathered Fancy (CARPENTER, 2006)

Height: 20"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid
Habit: Dormant
Thais (MUNSON, 1978)
Description: TET, mauve with slate blue eyezone and chartreuse throat
Height: 30"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
These Eyes (BUNTYN, 2004)
Height: 27"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi-Evergreen
Topguns Kathy Arthur (SCOTT, 2005)

Description: TET, pink with gold edge above lime green throat
Height: 1'8"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Evergreen
Comments: Incredibly hardy, extremely strong scapes. The edge on this flower has great diamond dusted fringe. Clearly a sleeper flower that nobody knows about. Thankfully I saw a fan come up for sale at our garden club and I talked a fellow member into purchasing it! She wont be sorry! It is a fabulous grower in my garden.
True North (TRIMMER, 2007)

Description: TET, cream with dark plum eye above green throat
Height: 30"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Unvanquished (MORSS, 2001) **RIP**

Description: lilac violet purple with blue violet purple watermark and silvery white flecked edge above yellow to green throat
Height: 2'3"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Early
Habit: Evergreen
Comments: Really awesome flower, and has a shark tooth edge on it that nobody talks about. Really fertile for me also. I think I may have lost it this past year due to moles. I am hoping when spring comes around, I might be happily surprised by at least one fan. Fingers crossed.
Velvet Eyes (STAMILE, 2001)

Description: TET, red with black eye above green throat
Height: 30"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Very Berry Ice (HANSEN, 1994)
Description: DIP, violet rose bitone with green throat, fragrant
Height: 28"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Late
Habit: Evergreen
Vino Brillante (MORSS, 1994)
Description: DIP, beet root purple with aster violet halo above light green throat
Height: 25"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Mid Late
Habit: Evergreen
Visual Arrest (BROOKER, 2005)
Description: TET, lavender blend with blue lavender band above green throat
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen

Description: TET, purple with lavender watermark above green throat, fragrant
Height: 24"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Evergreen

Description: TET, lavender blend with blue lavender band above green throat
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
West Coast Blues (SALTER, 1998)
Description: TET, lavender purple with blue violet eyezone and green throat
Height: 27"
Diameter: 4"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
West Texas Windmill (HANSEN, 2009) **RIP**
Description: DIP, citron self, ufo crispate
Height: 26"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Mid
Habit: Evergreen
Wheel Of Time (PETIT, 2004)
Description: TET, peach with purple patterned eye and edge above green throat, fragrant
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Comments: While this is an awesome pattern and color combo, this flower RARELY opens for me all the way.
William Austin Norris (SALTER, 1995)
Description: TET, medium pink blend with green throat
Height: 28"
Diameter: 6"
Season: Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Winning Note (MARYOTT, 2005)
Description: TET, peach pink with small red diffused eye above yellow green throat
Height: 36"
Diameter: 5"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Wren's Song (STAMILE, 2003)
Description: TET, rose pink bitone with gold edge above green throat, fragrant
Height: 25"
Diameter: 7"
Season: Early Early
Habit: Dormant
Yankee Doodle Blues (STAMILE, 2006)
Description: DIP, purple with blue grey patterened watermark above green throat, Double
Height: 18"
Diameter: 3"
Season: Early Mid
Habit: Semi Evergreen
Comments: While this is listed as an 80% double, I maybe get one double flower per year.